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The two farms touch

  • 1 ♦ touch

    ♦ touch /tʌtʃ/
    1 tocco; toccata; leggero colpo; colpetto: I felt a touch on my shoulder, mi sentii dare un colpetto sulla spalla; at the slightest touch, al più lieve tocco; He put the finishing touches to the painting, diede gli ultimi tocchi al quadro
    2 [u] (fisiol.) tatto: the sense of touch, il senso del tatto; This cloth is soft to the touch, questa stoffa è soffice al tatto
    3 [u] contatto; comunicazione; relazione; rapporto: to get in touch with sb., mettersi in contatto con q.; I'm no longer in touch ( o I'm out of touch) with my schoolfellows, non sono più in relazione con i miei compagni di scuola; I've lost touch with them, ho perso i contatti con loro (o li ho persi di vista)
    4 (un) po'; (un) tantino; (un) pizzico; (un) sentore: a touch of humour, un po' d'umorismo; a touch of salt in the soup, un pizzico di sale nella zuppa
    5 maniera; modo (caratteristico); tono; tocco; impronta; stile: a touch of class, un tocco di classe; (pubbl.) the personal touch that means so much, quel tono personale che significa tanto
    6 (med.) palpamento; palpazione
    7 (med.) leggero attacco: a touch of flu, un leggero attacco d'influenza
    8 ( calcio, ecc.) tocco ( del pallone: con i piedi); modo di trattare ( il pallone); He displayed an excellent touch, ha esibito un eccellente tocco di palla
    10 ( calcio, rugby) fallo laterale: He kicked the ball into touch, calciò la palla in fallo laterale
    11 [u] ( rugby) touche; uscita laterale
    12 ( scherma) colpo valido; stoccata messa a segno
    13 ( tennis) tocco ( della palla: con la racchetta); ( anche) buon tocco; senso della palla: He relies on touch rather than force, fa affidamento più sul buon tocco della palla che sulla potenza dei colpi
    14 ( slang USA) richiesta di denaro; stoccata (fig.): I ignored the touch, feci finta di non aver udito la stoccata
    ● (aeron.) touch and go, atterraggio seguito da un immediato decollo □ a touch-and-go affair, un affare incerto, assai dubbio □ (elettr.) touch control, comando manuale □ (stor.) touch hole, focone ( d'arma da fuoco antiquata) □ ( rugby) touch judge, giudice di linea laterale; segnalinee □ ( rugby) touch kick, calcio in touche □ (bot.) touch-me-not, ( Impatiens nolitangere) noli me tangere; ( Ecballium elaterium) cocomero asinino □ ( oreficeria) touch needle, ago d'assaggio □ touch of nature, caratteristica peculiare, innata ( di un individuo) □ (med.) a touch of the sun, un lieve colpo di sole □ touch pad, ( nuoto) pannello d'arrivo ( in piscina); (comput.) ► touchpad □ (comput.) touch pen, stilo; pennino ( usato per i palmari) □ touch screen, touch screen; schermo tattile; schermo a sfioramento □ touch system, dattilografia a tastiera cieca □ (telef.) touch-tone phone, telefono (con composizione) a toni □ (pitt.) touch-up, ritocco; ritoccatura □ to keep in touch with sb., restare in contatto (o in relazione) con q.: DIALOGO → - Hearing from an old friend- Sorry I haven't kept in touch, scusa se non sono rimasto in contatto □ to keep in touch with st., tenersi al corrente di qc. to be out of touch with st., non essere più al corrente di qc. to put to the touch, mettere alla prova; saggiare □ I'll be in touch, mi farò vivo io □ It was touch-and-go whether we would get there, era assai dubbio che ci saremmo mai arrivati.
    ♦ (to) touch /tʌtʃ/
    v. t. e i.
    1 toccare; toccarsi; tastare; arrivare a; concernere, riguardare, avere a che fare con; sfiorare, trattare superficialmente ( un argomento); commuovere, intenerire, colpire: Don't touch the paint: it's wet, non toccare la vernice: è fresca!; His fingers touched her face, le sue dita hanno toccato il suo viso; A smile touched his lips, un sorriso gli sfiorò le labbra; The two farms touch ( each other), i due poderi si toccano (o sono confinanti); The submarine touched the bottom of the sea, il sottomarino ha toccato il fondo del mare; I've touched his pride, ho toccato (o ferito) il suo orgoglio; Can you touch the ceiling?, riesci a toccare il soffitto?; I hadn't touched food for three days, non toccavo cibo da tre giorni; The sad sight touched my heart, quella triste visione mi ha toccato il cuore; This doesn't touch the point at issue, ciò non ha niente a che fare col punto in discussione; I didn't touch (on) that subject, non ho toccato (o non ho trattato) quell'argomento; I never touched it!, ma se non l'ho neanche toccato!
    2 far toccare; mettere a contatto; accostare; portare (a contatto): I just touched the two cups together and they broke, ho appena accostato le due tazze e si son rotte!
    3 (spec. in frasi neg.) reggere il confronto con; eguagliare; valere: Nobody can touch him for purity of style, nessuno può eguagliarlo per purezza di stile
    4 avere effetto su: His sad experiences as a POW haven't touched him at all, le sue tristi esperienze di prigioniero di guerra non hanno avuto alcun effetto su di lui
    5 rimuovere; togliere: Water won't touch these spots, l'acqua non toglie queste macchie
    6 danneggiare leggermente; nuocere un poco a: The flowers were touched by the frost, i fiori sono stati leggermente danneggiati dalla brina
    7 toccare; avere a che fare con; sentir parlare di: I won't even touch playing cards, non voglio neanche sentir parlare di carte da gioco
    9 (fam.) dare una stoccata a (q.); chiedere un prestito a (q.)
    ● (fam. USA) to touch base with sb., restare in contatto con q. to touch the bell, suonare il campanello ( premendo il pulsante) □ to touch ( the) bottom, ( in acqua) toccare il fondo, toccare; (fig.) toccare il fondo ( della depravazione, della sfortuna, ecc.); andare al fondo ( d'una questione); (fin.: di prezzi, ecc.) raggiungere il livello minimo: Can you touch bottom over there?, si tocca laggiù? □ to touch glasses, toccare i bicchieri; (fig.) fare un brindisi □ ( sport) to touch gloves, toccare i guantoni ( dell'avversario) □ (fam.) to touch the spot, toccare il tasto giusto; essere quel che ci vuole □ to touch sb. to the quick, pungere q. sul vivo; toccare q. nel suo punto debole □ to touch wood, toccare legno ( come scaramanzia; cfr. ital. «toccare ferro») □ I couldn't touch the algebra exercise, l'esercizio d'algebra non sono riuscito neanche a cominciarlo □ ( pallavolo) touching the ball twice, doppio tocco ( fallo).

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ touch

  • 2 join

    1. n связь, соединение
    2. n точка, линия, плоскость соединения; паз; шов
    3. v соединять; связывать

    join together — соединяться; соединять

    4. v соединяться; объединяться
    5. v соединяться, сливаться

    join hands — объединяться; объединиться; браться за руки; соединяться; соединиться

    6. v граничить, соседствовать
    7. v присоединяться; входить в компанию

    may I join in the game? — можно мне поиграть с вами?; разрешите мне присоединиться ?

    join in with — присоединяться; присоединиться

    8. v вступить в члены
    9. v возвратиться; снова занять своё место
    10. v тех. наращивать; сплачивать
    11. v стр. перевязывать
    12. v разг. поступить на военную службу

    to join the colours — поступить на военную службу, вступить в армию, встать под знамёна

    Синонимический ряд:
    1. adhere (verb) adhere; affix; fasten; secure
    2. adjoin (verb) abut; adjoin; border; butt against; butt on; communicate; fuse; line; march; meet; neighbor; splice; touch; verge
    3. associate (verb) affiliate; ally; associate; attach; bind; bracket; bring together; coadunate; coagment; coalesce; combine; compound; concrete; confederate; conjoin; conjugate; connect; consolidate; couple; link; marry; mate; meld; merge; one; relate; syndicate; unite; wed; yoke
    4. enter (verb) enlist; enrol; enroll; enter; muster; sign up
    Антонимический ряд:
    detach; disconnect; disjoin; divide; divorce; leave; resign; separate; sever; withdraw

    English-Russian base dictionary > join

  • 3 vista

    1 sight, eyesight (sentido).
    tiene buena/mala vista, está bien/mal de la vista she has good/poor eyesight
    perder la vista to lose one's sight, to go blind
    corto de vista short-sighted
    vista cansada eyestrain
    2 watching.
    3 gaze (mirada).
    dirigió la vista hacia la pantalla she turned her eyes o gaze to the screen
    fijar la vista en to fix one's eyes on, to stare at
    a primera o simple vista at first sight, on the face of it (aparentemente)
    4 view (panorama).
    una habitación con vistas a room with a view
    con vistas al mar with a sea view
    vista frontal front view
    vista lateral side view
    vista panorámica bird's-eye-view
    5 hearing (law).
    6 court hearing, hearing, trial.
    7 customs inspector.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: ver.
    1st person singular (yo) Present Subjunctive of Spanish verb: vestir.
    * * *
    1 (visión) sight, vision
    2 (ojo) eye, eyes plural
    3 (panorama) view
    4 (aspecto) appearance, aspect, look
    5 (dibujo, cuadro, foto) view
    6 (intención) intention
    7 (propósito) outlook, prospect
    8 DERECHO trial, hearing
    1 view sing
    a la vista at sight, on sight
    a la vista de todos (públicamente) in full view of everyone 2 (abiertamente) openly
    a primera vista / a simple vista at first sight
    a tantos días vista so many days after sight
    ver algo a vista de pájaro to have a a bird's-eye view of something
    actuar con mucha vista figurado to act with great foresight
    alzar la vista to raise one's eyes, look up
    apartar la vista de algo/alguien to look away from something/somebody
    bajar la vista to look down
    clavar la vista en algo / fijar la vista en algo to stare at something
    comerse algo/alguien con la vista figurado to devour something/somebody with one's eyes
    con vistas a (hacia) overlooking 2 (pensando en) with a view to, in anticipation of
    conocer a alguien de vista to know somebody by sight
    en vista de in view of, considering
    estar a la vista to be evident, be obvious
    hacer la vista gorda familiar to turn a blind eye
    no quitar la vista de encima figurado not to take one's eyes off
    poner a la vista to put on show
    quitar de la vista to take away
    ser agradable a la vista to be pleasing to the eye
    ser corto,-a de vista to be short-sighted
    tener la vista cansada to be suffering from eyestrain
    tener mala vista to have poor eyesight
    tener mucha vista figurado to be far-sighted
    tener vista de lince figurado to be eagle-eyed, have eyes like a hawk
    volver la vista atrás to look back
    * * *
    noun f.
    1) vision, eyesight
    2) view, sight
    3) glance, look
    * * *
    1. SF
    1) (=visión) sight, eyesight

    nublarse la vista, se me nubló la vista — my eyes clouded over

    perder la vista — to lose one's sight

    tener buena/mala vista — to have good/bad eyesight

    vista cansada (por defecto) longsightedness; (por agotamiento) eyestrain

    vista de águila, vista de lince — eagle eye

    tener vista de águila o de lince — to have eagle eyes, to have eyes like a hawk o a lynx

    2) (=ojos)
    a) (=órgano) eyes [pl]

    una luz que hiere la vista — a dazzling light, a light that hurts one's eyes

    torcer la vista — to squint

    b) (=mirada)

    ¡vista a la derecha! — (Mil) eyes right!

    aguzar la vista — (para ver a lo lejos) to screw one's eyes up; (para descubrir algo) to look sharp

    alzar la vista — to look up

    apartar la vista — to look away

    bajar la vista — to look down, lower one's gaze

    buscar algo con la vista — to look around for sth

    clavar la vista en algn/algo — to stare at sb/sth, fix one's eyes on sb/sth

    dirigir la vista a algn/algo — to look towards sb/sth, turn one's gaze on sb/sth

    echar una vista a algn/algo — to take a look at sb/sth

    fijar la vista en algn/algo — to stare at sb/sth, fix one's eyes on sb/sth

    medir a algn con la vista — to size sb up

    pasar la vista por algo — to look over sth, glance quickly at sth

    con la vista puesta en la pared — with his eyes fixed on the wall

    con la vista puesta en la futura legislación medioambiental, la compañía ha sacado un nuevo modelo — in the light of the forthcoming environmental legislation, the company has launched a new model

    ¡ quítate de mi vista! — get out of my sight!

    recorrer algo con la vista — to run one's eye over sth

    seguir algo con la vista — to follow sth with one's eyes

    volver la vista — to look away

    saltar a la vista —

    una cosa que salta a la vista es... — one thing that immediately hits o strikes you is...

    salta a la vista que... — it's blindingly obvious that...

    3) (=perspicacia) foresight

    tuvieron vista para comprar las acciones — they showed foresight in buying the shares, it was shrewd of them to buy the shares

    4) (=panorama) view

    con vistas a, con vistas a la montaña — with a view of the mountains

    una habitación con vistas al mar — a room with a sea view, a room overlooking the sea

    vista anterior, vista frontal — front view

    5) (Fot) (=imagen) view

    a la vista — in sight o view

    no es muy agradable a la vista — it's not a pretty sight, it's not very pleasant to look at

    cuenta a la vista — (Econ) instant access account

    a la vista está (que...) — it's obvious (that...), you can see for yourself (that...)

    a la vista, no son pobres — from what you can tell, they're not poor

    a la vista de todos — in full view (of everyone)

    a la vista de sus informesin the light of o in view of his reports

    poner algo a la vista — to put sth on view


    a... años/días vista, pagadero a 30 días vista — payable within 30 days

    a un año vista de las elecciones(=antes) a year before the elections

    a cinco años vista(=después) five years from then


    con vistas a — with a view to


    de vista — by sight

    en vista de — in view of

    en vista de que... — in view of the fact that...

    ¡ hasta la vista! — see you!, so long!

    a primera vista — at first sight, on the face of it

    a simple vista — (=sin ayuda de aparatos) to the naked eye; (=por la primera impresión) at first sight

    7) (=aspecto) appearance, looks [pl]

    de vista poco agradable — not very nice to look at, unprepossessing

    8) (Jur) hearing
    9) pl vistas ( Hist) meeting [sing], conference [sing]
    SMF (tb: vista de aduana) customs official
    * * *
    masculino y femenino customs officer o official
    a) ( sentido) sight, eyesight

    tener buena/mala vista — to have good/bad eyesight

    b) ( ojos) eyes
    c) ( perspicacia) vision
    a) ( mirada)

    alzar or levantar/bajar la vista — to look up/down

    torcer la vista — to be cross-eyed, to have a squint

    b) ( espectáculo) sight

    a la vista: tierra a la vista! land ho!; ponlo bien a la vista put it where it can be seen easily; estar/no estar a la vista to be within/out of sight; pagar al portador y a la vista pay the bearer at sight; cuenta corriente a la vista sight account; a la vista de todos in full view of everyone; ¿tienes algún proyecto a la vista? do you have any projects in view?; a primera or a simple vista at first sight o glance; se notaba a simple vista you could tell just by looking; con vistas a with a view to; de vista by sight; en vista: tener algo/a alguien en vista to have something/somebody in mind; en vista de in view of; en vista de que... in view of the fact that...; hasta la vista! see you!, so long! (colloq); a vista de pájaro: ver algo a vista de pájaro to get a bird's-eye view of something; a vista y paciencia de alguien (Chi, Per fam) in front of somebody; hacer la vista gorda to turn a blind eye; perder algo/a alguien de vista to lose sight of something/somebody; al terminar la carrera los perdí de vista I lost touch with them when we graduated; perderse de vista to disappear from view; saltar a la vista: lo primero que salta a la vista es el color que tiene the first thing that hits o strikes you is the color; salta a la vista que hicieron trampa it's obvious they cheated; tener la vista puesta en algo/alguien to have one's eye on something/somebody; tener vista de águila or lince to have eyes like a hawk; volver la vista atrás — to look back

    4) ( panorama) view
    5) (Der) hearing

    la vista del juicio se celebrará el... — the hearing will take place on...

    6) (Com, Fin)
    * * *
    masculino y femenino customs officer o official
    a) ( sentido) sight, eyesight

    tener buena/mala vista — to have good/bad eyesight

    b) ( ojos) eyes
    c) ( perspicacia) vision
    a) ( mirada)

    alzar or levantar/bajar la vista — to look up/down

    torcer la vista — to be cross-eyed, to have a squint

    b) ( espectáculo) sight

    a la vista: tierra a la vista! land ho!; ponlo bien a la vista put it where it can be seen easily; estar/no estar a la vista to be within/out of sight; pagar al portador y a la vista pay the bearer at sight; cuenta corriente a la vista sight account; a la vista de todos in full view of everyone; ¿tienes algún proyecto a la vista? do you have any projects in view?; a primera or a simple vista at first sight o glance; se notaba a simple vista you could tell just by looking; con vistas a with a view to; de vista by sight; en vista: tener algo/a alguien en vista to have something/somebody in mind; en vista de in view of; en vista de que... in view of the fact that...; hasta la vista! see you!, so long! (colloq); a vista de pájaro: ver algo a vista de pájaro to get a bird's-eye view of something; a vista y paciencia de alguien (Chi, Per fam) in front of somebody; hacer la vista gorda to turn a blind eye; perder algo/a alguien de vista to lose sight of something/somebody; al terminar la carrera los perdí de vista I lost touch with them when we graduated; perderse de vista to disappear from view; saltar a la vista: lo primero que salta a la vista es el color que tiene the first thing that hits o strikes you is the color; salta a la vista que hicieron trampa it's obvious they cheated; tener la vista puesta en algo/alguien to have one's eye on something/somebody; tener vista de águila or lince to have eyes like a hawk; volver la vista atrás — to look back

    4) ( panorama) view
    5) (Der) hearing

    la vista del juicio se celebrará el... — the hearing will take place on...

    6) (Com, Fin)
    * * *
    1 = sight, eyesight.

    Ex: The seers -- the sybils and prophets -- of Michelangelo's Sistine Ceiling reveal imperfections of bodily sight (such as near- and far-sightedness), emphasizing their spiritual foresight.

    Ex: Often microform makes users aware of hitherto unnoticed eyesight defects.
    * a la vista = in sight, within sight.
    * a la vista de = in light of, in the light of.
    * algo desagradable a la vista = a blot on the landscape.
    * amor a primera vista = love at first sight.
    * a ojos vista = before + Posesivo + (own two) eyes.
    * apartar la vista = look + the other way.
    * a + Posesivo + vista = before + Posesivo + (own two) eyes.
    * a primera vista = on first acquaintance, at first sight, on first inspection, on the face of it, at first blush, at first glance, on the surface, prima facie, first-blush.
    * a simple vista = by the naked eye, superficially, on first thought.
    * a vista de pájaro = bird's eye view.
    * cansar la vista = cause + eyestrain.
    * con problemas de vista = vision impaired.
    * con vistas a = with an eye toward(s), overlook.
    * con vistas a (+ Infinitivo) = with a view to (+ Gerundio).
    * con vistas a + Nombre = for + Nombre + purposes.
    * corto de vista = nearsighted [near-sighted].
    * desagradable a la vista = eyesore.
    * de vista aguda = sharp-eyed.
    * empeoramiento de la vista = failing eyesight.
    * en vista de = in light of, in the face of, in the light of, in view of.
    * en vista de que = seeing that/as.
    * fuera de la vista = out of view.
    * hacer la vista gorda = look + the other way, turn + a blind eye to, pretend + not to have seen.
    * hasta donde alcanza la vista = as far as the eye can see.
    * levantar la vista = look up.
    * mala vista = poor eyesight.
    * no perder de vista = keep + an eye on, keep + a beady eye on, keep in + sight.
    * no volver la vista atrás = never + look back.
    * perder de vista = lose from + sight, drop from + sight, lose + sight of.
    * perder de vista el hecho de que = lose + sight of the fact that.
    * perder la vista = become + blind.
    * personas con problemas de vista, las = visually impaired, the, visually disabled, the, visually handicapped, the, visually impaired people (VIPs), visually challenged, the.
    * persona sin problemas de vista = sighted person.
    * plan de adquisición de material a vista = approval plan.
    * problemas con la vista = poor eyesight.
    * regalarse la vista con = feast + Posesivo + eyes on.
    * saltar a la vista = be patently clear.
    * sin perder de vista = with an eye on.
    * sin problemas de vista = sighted.
    * tener la vista cansada = need + reading glasses.
    * todo está a la vista = what you see is what you get.
    * torcer la vista = squint.
    * vista cansada = visual fatigue, eyestrain [eye strain], presbyopia.
    * vista fatigada = eyestrain [eye strain].
    * volver la vista atrás = look back.

    * adoptar un punto de vista = embrace + view.
    * analizar desde un punto de vista crítico = cast + a critical eye over.
    * argumento que presenta sólo un punto de vista = one-sided argument.
    * argument que presenta los dos puntos de vista = two-sided argument.
    * ¡Barco a la vista! = Ship ahoy!.
    * comprender un punto de vista = take + point.
    * desde cualquier punto de vista = by any standard(s).
    * desde el punto de vista de la nutrición = in terms of, from the vantage of, as far as + Nombre + be + concerned, mitotically, nutritionally speaking, nutritionally.
    * desde el punto de vista del trabajador = in the trenches.
    * desde el punto de vista de la archivística = archivally.
    * desde el punto de vista de la calidad = on quality grounds.
    * desde el punto de vista de la competitividad = competitively.
    * desde el punto de vista de la conservación = preservationally.
    * desde el punto de vista de la cultura = culturally.
    * desde el punto de vista de la estética = aesthetically [esthetically, -USA].
    * desde el punto de vista de la funcionalidad = functionally.
    * desde el punto de vista de la informática = computationally.
    * desde el punto de vista de la logística = logistically.
    * desde el punto de vista de la medicina = medically.
    * desde el punto de vista de la música = musically.
    * desde el punto de vista de la notación = notationally.
    * desde el punto de vista de la química = chemically.
    * desde el punto de vista de la realidad = factually.
    * desde el punto de vista de las matemáticas = mathematically.
    * desde el punto de vista de la tonalidad = tonally.
    * desde el punto de vista del contexto = contextually.
    * desde el punto de vista del estilo = stylistically.
    * desde el punto de vista del funcionamiento = operationally.
    * desde el punto de vista del + Nombre = as seen through the eyes of + Nombre.
    * desde el punto de vista de los hechos = factually.
    * desde el punto de vista del uso = in terms of use.
    * desde el punto de vista de + Nombre = in + Nombre + eyes.
    * desde el punto de vista judicial = judicially.
    * desde el punto de vista lingüístico = linguistically.
    * desde el punto de vista político = politically.
    * desde este punto de vista = viewed in this light.
    * desde mi punto de vista = in my opinion, in my view, in my books.
    * desde + punto de vista = against + backdrop.
    * desde todos los puntos de vista = in every sense.
    * desde un punto de vista académico = academically.
    * desde un punto de vista antropológico = anthropologically.
    * desde un punto de vista clínico = medically, clinically.
    * desde un punto de vista crítico = judgmentally [judgementally], with a critical eye, critically.
    * desde un punto de vista económico = economically, monetarily.
    * desde un punto de vista estrictamente técnico = technically speaking.
    * desde un punto de vista étnico = ethnically.
    * desde un punto de vista filosófico = philosophically.
    * desde un punto de vista general = in a broad sense.
    * desde un punto de vista histórico = historically.
    * desde un punto de vista más amplio = in a broader sense.
    * desde un punto de vista más general = in a broader sense.
    * desde un punto de vista médico = medically.
    * desde un punto de vista medioambiental = environmentally.
    * desde un punto de vista monetario = monetarily.
    * desde un punto de vista morfológico = morphologically.
    * desde un punto de vista operativo = operationally.
    * desde un punto de vista racista = racially + Adjetivo.
    * desde un punto de vista religioso = religiously.
    * desde un punto de vista socioeconómico = socioeconomically.
    * desde un punto de vista técnico = technically.
    * fiel desde el punto de vista de la historia = historically accurate.
    * manifestar un punto de vista = air + view.
    * neutral desde el punto de vista de la raza = race-neutral.
    * no concebirse desde ningún punto de vista = be impossible under any hypothesis.
    * promover un punto de vista = promote + view.
    * punto de vista = angle, point of view, side, stance, standpoint, view, viewpoint, outlook, eye, world view [worldview/world-view], bent of mind.
    * sostener un punto de vista = assert + view, hold + point of view.
    * tener en cuenta un punto de vista = contemplate + view.
    * tener en cuenta un punto de vista = take into + account + viewpoint.
    * ver Algo desde el punto de vista + Adjetivo = view + Nombre + through + Adjetivo + eyes.
    3 = outlook, vista, sight, view.

    Ex: This provides the user with a pleasant outlook and gives natural light.

    Ex: From the library she could see miles and miles of unobstructed vistas of rich, coffee-brown, almost black soil, broken only by occasional small towns, farms, and grain elevators.
    Ex: There was something inexpressibly poignant about the sight of the once powerful Roger Balzac sitting quiescently like a victim in a noose across the desk from him.
    Ex: Just as long as she has a nice view from her kitchen window she doesn't care about the rest of the world.
    * contemplar una vista = contemplate + view.
    * ofrecer una vista = afford + a view.
    * sin vistas = viewless.
    * tener vistas a = overlook.
    * ¡Tierra a la vista! = Land ahoy!, Land ho!.
    * una vista digna de contemplar = a sight to behold.
    * una vista digna de ver = a sight to behold.
    * vista agradable = a sight for sore eyes.
    * vista a la sierra = mountain view.
    * vista a las montañas = mountain view.
    * vista al mar = sea view.
    * vista a ojo de pájaro = bird's eye view.
    * vista a ras de suelo = worm's eye view.
    * vista asombrosa = breathtaking view.
    * vista impresionante = breathtaking view.
    * vista panorámica = panorama, pan, sweeping view, grandstand view, panoramic view.
    * vista sobrecogedora = breathtaking view.


    Ex: Both the newspapers and the unions want to cut their losses by concluding a deal in advance of a court hearing that is scheduled to decide on the original causes of the strike.

    * vista judicial = hearing, court hearing.
    * vista oral = oral hearing.

    5 = view.
    Nota: En cartografía, representación plana con efecto de relieve en la que las líneas de fuga concurren en un punto de vista central correspondiente al ojo del observador.

    Ex: A view is a perspective representation of the landscape in which detail is shown as if projected on an oblique plane (e.g., a bird's eye view, panorama, panoramic drawing, worm's eye view).

    * * *
    customs officer o official
    1 (sentido) sight, eyesight
    tengo buena vista I have good eyesight, my sight is good
    ser corto de vista to be shortsighted
    tener la vista cansada to have eyestrain
    la enfermedad le afectó la vista the illness affected his eyesight o his sight o his vision
    este paisaje tan bello es un regalo para la vista this beautiful scenery is a delight to behold
    perdió la vista en un accidente he lost his sight in an accident
    2 (ojos) eyes
    la luz me hace daño a la vista the light hurts my eyes
    lo han operado de la vista he's had an eye operation
    se le nubló la vista her eyes clouded over
    3 (perspicacia) vision
    tiene mucha vista para los negocios he's very shrewd o he has great vision when it comes to business
    (mirada): me contestó sin alzar or levantar la vista del libro she answered without looking up from the book o without raising her eyes from the book
    no me quitó la vista de encima she didn't take her eyes off me
    torcer la vista to be cross-eyed, to have a squint
    bajó la vista he looked down
    fijó la vista en el horizonte she fixed her eyes o her gaze on the horizon
    dirigió la vista hacia nosotros he looked toward(s) us
    se desmayó ante la vista del cadáver he fainted at the sight of the body
    C ( en locs):
    a la vista: ¡tierra a la vista! land ho!
    ponlo bien a la vista put it where it can be seen easily
    escóndelo, que no esté a la vista hide it somewhere out of sight
    pagar al portador y a la vista pay the bearer at sight
    no lo hagas aquí a la vista de todos don't do it here where everyone can see o in full view of everyone
    [ S ] fabricación a la vista del público workshop ( o factory etc) open for public viewing
    [ S ] café molido a la vista ( RPl); coffee ground while you wait
    ¿tienes algún proyecto a la vista? do you have any projects in view?
    a primera vista at first sight o glance
    a primera vista no parecía grave at first sight o glance it didn't look serious
    se notaba a simple vista que estaba enfermo you could tell he was ill just by looking at him
    con vistas a with a view to
    un acuerdo con vistas a las próximas elecciones a pact for the forthcoming elections
    con vistas a que nos lo financien with a view to their o them providing finance
    de vista by sight
    los conozco sólo de vista I only know them by sight
    en vista: ¿tienen a alguien en vista para el puesto? do you have anybody in mind for the job?
    estamos buscando casa — ¿ya tienen algo en vista? we're househunting — have you seen anything interesting yet?
    en vista de in view of
    en vista de que no podía ganar in view of the fact that she couldn't win
    en vista de que no llegaban, nos fuimos since they hadn't arrived, we left
    en vista del éxito obtenido, mejor me callo la boca ( iró hum); considering the success of my last comment ( o joke etc), I think I'd better keep my mouth shut ( iro hum)
    ¡hasta la vista! see you!, so long! ( colloq), until we meet again ( frml)
    a vista de pájaro: desde la torre vemos la ciudad a vista de pájaro from the tower we get a bird's-eye view of the city
    a vista y paciencia de algn (Chi, Per fam); in front of sb
    hace tiempo que no le echo la vista encima I haven't seen him for some time
    estar con or tener la vista puesta en algo/algn to have one's eye on sth/sb
    tiene la vista puesta en una chica de la oficina he's got his eye on a girl in the office
    hacer la vista gorda or ( Méx) de la vista gorda ( fam); to turn a blind eye, to pretend not to see
    perder algo/a algn de vista to lose sight of sth/sb
    vigílalo bien, no lo pierdas de vista keep a close eye on him, don't let him out of your sight
    no debemos perder de vista nuestro objetivo primario we must not lose sight of our main objective
    no pierdas de vista (el hecho de) que es un actor desconocido don't lose sight of o don't overlook the fact that he is an unknown actor
    ¡tengo unas ganas de perderlos de vista …! ( fam); I'll be glad to see the back of them! ( colloq)
    cuando terminamos la carrera los perdí de vista I lost touch with them when we graduated
    perderse de vista to disappear from view
    saltar a la vista: lo primero que salta a la vista es el color que tiene the first thing that hits o strikes you is the color
    ¿cómo no te diste cuenta? si saltaba a la vista I can't see how you failed to notice, it stood out a mile o it was so obvious
    salta a la vista que hicieron trampa it's obvious they cheated
    tener vista de águila or lince to have eyes like a hawk
    no vuelvas la vista atrás y piensa en el futuro don't look back, think of the future
    1 (panorama) view
    una vista preciosa de la bahía a beautiful view of the bay
    la habitación tiene vista al mar the room overlooks the sea o has a sea view o looks out over the sea
    vista aérea aerial view
    2 (imagen) view
    3 ( fam)
    (aspecto): el plato tenía muy buena vista the dish looked delicious
    unos muebles de mucha vista some very attractive furniture
    E ( Der) hearing
    la vista del juicio se celebrará el día 27 the hearing will take place on the 27th
    F ( Com, Fin):
    a 20 días vista within 20 days
    G vistas fpl (en costura) facings (pl)
    * * *


    Del verbo vestir: ( conjugate vestir)

    vista es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente subjuntivo

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente subjuntivo

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) imperativo

    Multiple Entries:
    vestir ( conjugate vestir) verbo transitivo
    a)niño/muñeca to dress

    2 (liter o period) ( llevar puesto) to wear
    verbo intransitivo
    1 [ persona] to dress;

    vista de algo ‹de uniforme/azul›) to wear sth;
    vista de etiqueta to wear formal dress
    2 ( ser elegante):

    de vista ‹traje/zapatos smart
    vestirse verbo pronominal ( refl)

    date prisa, vístete hurry up, get dressed

    se viste a la última moda she wears the latest styles;
    siempre se viste de verde she always wears green
    c) ( disfrazarse) vistase de algo to dress up as sth

    vista sustantivo femenino

    ser corto de vista to be near-sighted;
    perdió la vista he lost his sight;
    vista cansada eyestrain
    b) ( ojos) eyes;

    lo operaron de la vista he had an eye operation
    2 ( mirada):
    alzar/bajar la vista to look up/down

    3 ( en locs)

    estar/no estar a la vista to be within/out of sight;
    a la vista de todos in full view of everyone;
    ¿tienes algún proyecto a la vista? do you have any projects in view?;
    a primera or a simple vista at first sight o glance;
    con vistas a with a view to;
    en vista de in view of;
    en vista de que … in view of the fact that …;
    ¡hasta la vista! see you!, so long! (colloq);
    perder algo/a algn de vista to lose sight of sth/sb;
    perderse de vista to disappear from view
    4 ( panorama) view;

    vista aérea aerial view
    5 (Der) hearing
    I verbo transitivo
    1 (poner la ropa a alguien) to dress
    frml to clothe
    2 (llevar puesto) to wear: vestía un traje gris, he was wearing a grey suit
    II verbo intransitivo
    1 (llevar) to dress
    viste de rojo, she's wearing red
    vestir bien, to dress well
    (ser apropiado, elegante) to look smart
    I adjetivo
    1 (considerado socialmente) estar bien visto, to be considered correct o acceptable
    estar mal visto, to be frowned upon/on
    2 (común, poco original) estar muy visto, not to be very original: ese reloj está muy visto, everybody is wearing watches like that
    3 fam (obvio) estar visto, to be obvious o clear
    4 (al parecer) por lo visto, apparently
    5 Jur visto para sentencia, ready for judgement
    II sustantivo masculino visto bueno, approval
    vista sustantivo femenino
    1 (sentido, visión) sight: le conozco de vista, I know him by sight
    ese edificio nos tapa la vista del río, the river is hidden from view by that building
    tienes buena vista, you have good eyesight
    corto de vista, shortsighted, US nearsighted
    (los ojos) me hace daño a la vista, it hurts my eyes
    2 (perspectiva, panorama) view
    con vistas a la calle, overlooking the street
    3 Jur hearing, trial
    ♦ Locuciones: familiar hacer la vista gorda, to turn a blind eye
    perder de vista, to lose sight of: el tren se perdió de vista, the train disappeared from view
    familiar ¡piérdete de mi vista!, get out of here!, get lost!
    (recordar) volver/echar la vista atrás, to look back
    a la vista, (dentro del campo visual) visible, within sight
    (previsto) tienen un viaje a la vista, they have a trip in mind
    a primera vista/a simple vista, (a la primera, directamente) at first sight o glance: amor a primera vista, love at first sight
    detectó el error a simple vista, he found the mistake straight away
    (con solo mirar) esa estrella no es visible a simple vista, that star isn't visible with the naked eye
    (en principio, al parecer) on the face of it
    con vistas a, with a view to
    en vista de, in view of, considering
    ' vista' also found in these entries:
    - aguda
    - agudo
    - alcance
    - ante
    - apartar
    - cantar
    - converger
    - corta
    - corto
    - dominar
    - esforzar
    - fijar
    - fina
    - fino
    - golpe
    - graduar
    - graduarse
    - herir
    - lince
    - novedosa
    - novedoso
    - nublarse
    - punto
    - recorrer
    - respetable
    - saltar
    - sesgar
    - versión
    - visión
    - volver
    - aéreo
    - agradable
    - alcanzar
    - amor
    - ángulo
    - cansar
    - chiribita
    - clavado
    - clavar
    - conocer
    - descansar
    - devolver
    - engañar
    - forzar
    - levantar
    - mirada
    - mirar
    - nublar
    - ojo
    - angle
    - aspect
    - avert
    - away
    - bird's-eye view
    - blind
    - blot out
    - clear
    - contention
    - delightful
    - dim
    - eagle-eyed
    - eye
    - eye-level
    - eyesight
    - eyestrain
    - face
    - glance
    - glorious
    - gorgeous
    - hearing
    - hide
    - in
    - jump out
    - look up
    - naked
    - note
    - obstruct
    - open out
    - oscillate
    - outlook
    - overlook
    - perspective
    - point
    - respect
    - scene
    - see
    - seeing
    - sense
    - sharp
    - sight
    - sight-reading
    - slant
    - splendid
    - standpoint
    - stare
    - strain
    - strained
    - surface
    * * *
    ver visto
    1. [sentido] (sense of) sight;
    [visión] eyesight; [ojos] eyes;
    tiene buena/mala vista, está bien/mal de la vista she has good/poor eyesight;
    la luz me hace daño a la vista the light hurts my eyes;
    se me nubló la vista my eyes clouded over;
    perder la vista to lose one's sight, to go blind;
    de vista: conocer a alguien de vista to know sb by sight;
    ¡hasta la vista! see you!;
    a vista de pájaro: Cartagena a vista de pájaro a bird's-eye view of Cartagena;
    hacer la vista gorda to turn a blind eye;
    no perder de vista algo/a alguien [vigilar] not to let sth/sb out of one's sight;
    [tener en cuenta] not to lose sight of sth/sb, not to forget about sth/sb;
    perder de vista algo/a alguien [dejar de ver] to lose sight of sth/sb;
    perder de vista a alguien [perder contacto] to lose touch with sb;
    perderse de vista [en la distancia] to disappear (from sight);
    salta a la vista [es evidente] it's blindingly o patently obvious;
    salta a la vista que es novato he is very obviously a beginner;
    salta a la vista su juventud [sorprende] one thing that strikes you is how young she is;
    tener una vista de águila o [m5] de lince to have an eagle eye
    vista cansada [por la edad] long-sightedness; [por el esfuerzo] eyestrain
    2. [mirada] gaze;
    dirigió la vista hacia la pantalla she turned her eyes o gaze to the screen;
    alzar/apartar/bajar la vista to look up/away/down;
    fijar la vista en to fix one's eyes on, to stare at;
    a primera o [m5] simple vista [aparentemente] at first sight, on the face of it;
    3. [observación] watching
    4. [panorama] view;
    una habitación con vistas a room with a view;
    con vistas al mar with a sea view
    vista aérea aerial view;
    vista panorámica panoramic view
    5. [perspicacia, discreción]
    tiene vista para las antigüedades she has a good eye for antiques;
    hay que tener más vista al decir las cosas you have to be more careful what you say
    6. Der hearing
    vista oral oral proceedings
    7. Com & Fin
    a la vista at sight;
    a pagar a 30 días vista payable within 30 days
    8. [plazo]
    a dos meses vista de las elecciones [antes] two months before the elections;
    [después] two months after the elections
    [empleado de aduanas] customs officer [responsible for checking baggage]
    a la vista loc adj
    1. [visible] visible;
    está a la vista [muy cerca] it's staring you in the face;
    ¡barco/tierra a la vista! ship/land ahoy!;
    no dejen objetos de valor a la vista dentro del autocar do not leave valuables lying around where they can be seen inside the coach
    2. [en perspectiva]
    no tengo planes a la vista I have no immediate plans;
    tenemos varios proyectos a la vista there are a number of possible projects on the horizon
    a la vista de loc prep
    1. [delante de] in full view of;
    ocurrió a la vista de todos it happened in full view of everybody;
    está a la vista de todos it's there for everybody to see
    2. [en vista de] in view of;
    a la vista de los resultados financieros… in view of the financial results…
    con vistas a loc prep
    [con la intención de] with a view to;
    se reunirán con vistas a negociar un nuevo convenio con la patronal they will meet with a view to negotiating a new agreeement with the employers;
    el ahorro con vistas al futuro saving for the future
    en vista de loc prep
    in view of, considering;
    en vista de lo ocurrido… considering what has happened…;
    en vista de que since, seeing as
    * * *
    I f
    1 (eye)sight;
    vista cansada MED tired eyes;
    tener buena/mala vista have good/bad eyesight;
    hacer la vista gorda fig fam turn a blind eye;
    tener vista para algo fig have a good eye for sth
    2 JUR hearing
    a la vista COM at sight, on demand
    la ciudad a vista de pajaro a bird’s eye view of the city, the city seen from above;
    vista aérea FOT aerial view
    con vistas a with a view to;
    en vista de in view of
    a simple vista with the naked eye;
    a primera vista at first sight;
    de vista by sight;
    estar a la vista be in sight;
    perder de vista lose sight of;
    no perder de vista niño etc not take one’s eyes off;
    a la vista de todos in full view of everyone;
    poner la vista en alguien/algo look at s.o./sth; tener intención de conseguir algo set one’s sights on s.o./sth;
    hasta la vista bye!, see you!
    II m/f
    vista (de aduanas) customs official o officer
    * * *
    vista nf
    1) visión: vision, eyesight
    2) mirada: look, gaze, glance
    3) panorama: view, vista, panorama
    4) : hearing (in court)
    a primera vista : at first sight
    en vista de : in view of
    hacer la vista gorda : to turn a blind eye
    ¡hasta la vista! : so long!, see you!
    perder de vista : to lose sight of
    punto de vista : point of view
    * * *
    1. (visión) sight / eyesight
    2. (panorama) view
    a simple vista at first sight / at first glance

    Spanish-English dictionary > vista

  • 4 Á

    * * *
    a negative suffix to verbs, not;
    era útmakligt, at it is not unmeet that.
    * * *
    á, prep., often used elliptically, or even adverbially, [Goth. ana; Engl. on; Germ. an. In the Scandinavian idioms the liquid n is absorbed. In English the same has been supposed to happen in adverbial phrases, e. g. ‘along, away, abroad, afoot, again, agate, ahead, aloft, alone, askew, aside, astray, awry,’ etc. It is indeed true that the Ormulum in its northern dialect freq. uses o, even in common phrases, such as ‘o boke, o land, o life, o slæpe, o strande, o write, o naht, o loft,’ etc., v. the glossary; and we may compare on foot and afoot, on sleep (Engl. Vers. of Bible) and asleep; A. S. a-butan and on-butan (about); agen and ongean (again, against); on bæc, aback; on life, alive; on middan, amid. But it is more than likely that in the expressions quoted above, as well as in numberless others, as well in old as in modern English, the English a- as well as the o- of the Ormulum and the modern Scottish and north of England o- are in reality remains of this very á pronounced au or ow, which was brought by the Scandinavian settlers into the north of England. In the struggle for supremacy between the English dialects after the Conquest, the Scandinavian form á or a won the day in many cases to the exclusion of the Anglo-Saxon on. Some of these adverbs have representatives only in the Scandinavian tongues, not in Anglo-Saxon; see below, with dat. B. II, C. VII; with acc. C. I. and VI. The prep. á denotes the surface or outside; í and ór the inside; at, til, and frá, nearness measured to or from an object: á thus answers to the Gr. επί; the Lat. in includes á and i together.]
    With dat. and acc.: in the first case with the notion of remaining on a place, answering to Lat. in with abl.; in the last with the notion of motion to the place, = Lat. in with acc.
    A. Loc.
    I. generally on, upon; á gólfi, on the floor, Nj. 2; á hendi, on the hand (of a ring), 48, 225; á palli, 50; á steini, 108; á vegg, 115; á sjá ok á landi, on sea and land. In some instances the distinction between d and i is loose and wavering, but in most cases common sense and usage decide; thus ‘á bók’ merely denotes the letters, the penmanship, ‘í’ the contents of a book; mod. usage, however, prefers ‘í,’ lesa í bók, but stafr á bók. Old writers on the other hand; á bókum Enskum, in English books, Landn. 24, but í Aldafars bók, 23 (in the book De Mensurâ Temporum, by Bede), cp. Grág. i. 76, where á is a false reading instead of at; á bréfi, the contents of a letter: of clothing or arms, mítr á höfði, sverð á hlið, mitre on head, sword on side, Fms. i. 266, viii. 404; hafa lykil á sér, on one’s person, 655 xxvii. 22; möttull á tyglum, a mantle hanging on (i. e. fastened by) laces, Fms. vii. 201: á þingi means to be present at a meeting; í þingi, to abide within a jurisdiction; á himni, á jörðu, on (Engl. in) heaven and earth, e. g. in the Lord’s Prayer, but í helviti, in hell; á Gimli, Edda (of a heavenly abode); á báti, á skipi denote crew and cargo, ‘í’ the timber or materials of which a ship is built, Eg. 385; vera í stafni á skipi, 177: á skógi, to be abroad in a wood (of a hunter, robber, deer); but to be situated (a house), at work (to fell timber), í skógi, 573, Fs. 5, Fms. iii. 122, viii. 31, xi. 1, Glúm. 330, Landn. 173; á mörkinni, Fms. i. 8, but í mörk, of a farm; á firðinum means lying in a firth, of ships or islands (on the surface of the water), þær eyjar liggja á Breiðafirði, Ld. 36; but í firði, living in a district named Firth; á landi, Nj. 98, Fms. xi. 386.
    II. á is commonly used in connection with the pr. names or countries terminating in ‘land,’ Engl. in, á Englandi, Írlandi, Skotlandi, Bretlandi, Saxlandi, Vindlandi, Vínlandi, Grænalandi, Íslandi, Hálogalandi, Rogalandi, Jótlandi, Frakklandi, Hjaltlandi, Jamtalandi, Hvítramannalandi, Norðrlöndum, etc., vide Landn. and the index to Fms. xii. In old writers í is here very rare, in modern authors more frequent; taste and the context in many instances decide. An Icelander would now say, speaking of the queen or king, ‘á Englandi,’ ruling over, but to live ‘í Englandi,’ or ‘á Englandi;’ the rule in the last case not being quite fixed.
    2. in connection with other names of countries: á Mæri, Vörs, Ögðum, Fjölum, all districts of Norway, v. Landn.; á Mýrum (in Icel.), á Finnmörk, Landn., á Fjóni (a Danish island); but í Danmörk, Svíþjóð (á Svíþjóðu is poët., Gs. 13).
    3. before Icel. farms denoting open and elevated slopes and spaces (not too high, because then ‘at’ must be used), such as ‘staðr, völlr, ból, hjalli, bakki, heimr, eyri,’ etc.; á Veggjum, Landn. 69; á Hólmlátri, id.: those ending in ‘-staðr,’ á Geirmundarstöðum, Þórisstöðum, Jarðlangsstöðum…, Landn.: ‘-völlr,’ á Möðruvöllum: á Fitjum (the farm) í Storð (the island), í Fenhring (the island) á Aski (the farm), Landn., Eg.: ‘-nes’ sometimes takes á, sometimes í (in mod. usage always ‘í’), á Nesi, Eb. 14, or í Krossnesi, 30; in the last case the notion of island, νησος, prevails: so also, ‘fjörðr,’ as, þeir börðust á Vigrafirði (of a fight o n the ice), Landn. 101, but orusta í Hafrsfirði, 122: with ‘-bær,’ á is used in the sense of a farm or estate, hón sa á e-m bæ mikit hús ok fagrt, Edda 22; ‘í bæ’ means within doors, of the buildings: with ‘Bær’ as pr. name Landn. uses ‘í,’ 71, 160, 257, 309, 332.
    4. denoting on or just above; of the sun, when the time is fixed by regarding the sun in connection with points in the horizon, a standing phrase in Icel.; sól á gjáhamri, when the sun is on the crag of the Rift, Grág. i. 26, cp. Glúm. 387; so, brú á á, a bridge on a river, Fms. viii. 179, Hrafn. 20; taka hús á e-m, to surprise one, to take the house over his head, Fms. i. 11.
    III. á is sometimes used in old writers where we should now expect an acc., esp. in the phrase, leggja sverði (or the like) á e-m, or á e-m miðjum, to stab, Eg. 216, Gísl. 106, Band. 14; þá stakk Starkaðr sprotanum á konungi, then Starkad stabbed the king with the wand, Fas. iii. 34; bíta á kampi (vör), to bite the lips, as a token of pain or emotion, Nj. 209, 68; taka á e-u, to touch a thing, lay hold of it, v. taka; fá á e-u, id. (poët.); leggja hendr á (better at) síðum, in wrestling, Fms. x. 331; koma á úvart á e-m, to come on one unawares, ix. 407 (rare).
    B. TEMP. of a particular point or period of time, at, on, in:
    I. gener. denoting during, in the course of; á nótt, degi, nætrþeli …, Bs. i. 139; or spec. adding a pron. or an adject., á næsta sumri, the next summer; á því ári, þingi, misseri, hausti, vári, sumri …, during, in that year …, Bs. i. 679, etc.; á þrem sumrum, in the course of three summers, Grág. i. 218; á þrem várum, Fms. ii. 114; á hálfs mánaðar fresti, within half a month’s delay, Nj. 99; á tvítugs, sextugs … aldri, á barns, gamals aldri, etc., at the age of …, v. aldr: á dögum e-s, in the days of, in his reign or time, Landn. 24, Hrafn. 3, Fms. ix. 229.
    II. used of a fixed recurrent period or season; á várum, sumrum, haustum, vetrum, á kveldum, every spring, summer …, in the evenings, Eg. 711, Fms. i. 23, 25, vi. 394, Landn. 292: with the numeral adverbs, cp. Lat. ter in anno, um sinn á mánuði, ári, once a month, once a year, where the Engl. a is not the article but the preposition, Grág. i. 89.
    III. of duration; á degi, during a whole day, Fms. v. 48; á sjau nóttum, Bárð. 166; á því meli, during that time, in the meantime, Grág. i. 259.
    IV. connected with the seasons (á vetri, sumri, vári, hausti), ‘á’ denotes the next preceding season, the last winter, summer, autumn, Eb. 40, 238, Ld. 206: in such instances ‘á’ denotes the past, ‘at’ the future, ‘í’ the present; thus í vetri in old writers means this winter; á vetri, last winter; at vetri, next winter, Eb. 68 (in a verse), etc.
    C. In various other relations, more or less metaphorically, on, upon, in, to, with, towards, against:
    I. denoting object, in respect of, against, almost periphrastically; dvelja á náðum e-s, under one’s protection, Fms. i. 74; hafa metnað á e-u, to be proud of, to take pride in a thing, 127.
    2. denoting a personal relation, in; bæta e-t á e-m, to make amends, i. e. to one personally; misgöra e-t á e-m, to inflict wrong on one; hafa elsku (hatr) á e-m, to bear love ( hatred) to one, Fms. ix. 242; hefna sín á e-m, to take revenge on one’s person, on anyone; rjúfa sætt á e-m, to break truce on the person of any one, to offend against his person, Nj. 103; hafa sár á sér, 101; sjá á e-m, to read on or in one’s face; sér hann á hverjum manni hvárt til þín er vel eðr illa, 106; var þat brátt auðséð á hennar högum, at …, it could soon be seen in all her doings, that …, Ld. 22.
    3. also generally to shew signs of a thing; sýna fáleika á sér, to shew marks of displeasure, Nj. 14, Fs. 14; taka vel, illa, lítt, á e-u, to take a thing well, ill, or indifferently, id.; finna á sér, to feel in oneself; fann lítt á honum, hvárt …, it could hardly be seen in his face, whether …, Eb. 42; líkindi eru á, it is likely, Ld. 172; göra kost á e-u, to give a choice, chance of it, 178; eiga vald á e-u, to have power over …, Nj. 10.
    II. denoting encumbrance, duty, liability; er fimtardómsmál á þeim, to be subject to …, Nj. 231; the phrase, hafa e-t á hendi, or vera á hendi e-m, on one’s hands, of work or duty to be done; eindagi á fé, term, pay day, Grág. i. 140; ómagi (skylda, afvinna) á fé, of a burden or encumbrance, D. I. and Grág. in several passages.
    III. with a personal pronoun, sér, mér, honum …, denoting personal appearance, temper, character, look, or the like; vera þungr, léttr … á sér, to be heavy or light, either bodily or mentally; þungr á sér, corpulent, Sturl. i. 112; kátr ok léttr á sér, of a gay and light temper, Fms. x. 152; þat bragð hafði hann á sér, he looked as if, … the expression of his face was as though …, Ld., cp. the mod. phrase, hafa á sér svip, bragð, æði, sið, of one’s manner or personal appearance, to bear oneself as, or the like; skjótr (seinn) á fæti, speedy ( slow) of foot, Nj. 258.
    IV. as a periphrasis of the possessive pronoun connected with the limbs or parts of the body. In common Icel. such phrases as my hands, eyes, head … are hardly ever used, but höfuð, eyru, hár, nef, munnr, hendr, fætr … á mér; so ‘í’ is used of the internal parts, e. g. hjarta, bein … í mér; the eyes are regarded as inside the body, augun í honum: also without the possessive pronoun, or as a periphrasis for a genitive, brjóstið á e-m, one’s breast, Nj. 95, Edda 15; súrnar í augum, it smarts in my eyes, my eyes smart, Nj. 202; kviðinn á sér, its belly, 655 xxx. 5, Fms. vi. 350; hendr á henni, her hands, Gísl. (in a verse); í vörunum á honum, on his lips, Band. 14; ristin á honum, his step, Fms. viii. 141; harðr í tungu, sharp of tongue, Hallfred (Fs. 114); kalt (heitt) á fingrum, höndum, fótum …, cold ( warm) in the fingers, hands, feet …, i. e. with cold fingers, etc.; cp. also the phrase, verða vísa (orð) á munni, of extemporising verses or speeches, freq. in the Sagas; fastr á fótum, fast by the leg, of a bondsman, Nj. 27: of the whole body, díla fundu þeir á honum, 209. The pers. pron. is used only in solemn style (poetry, hymns, the Bible), and perhaps only when influenced by foreign languages, e. g. mitt hjarta hví svo hryggist þú, as a translation of ‘warumb betrübst du dich mein Herz?’ the famous hymn by Hans Sachs; instead of the popular hjartað í mér, Sl. 43, 44: hjartað mitt is only used as a term of endearment, as by a husband to his wife, parents to their child, or the like, in a metaphorical sense; the heart proper is ‘í mér,’ not ‘mitt.’
    2. of other things, and as a periphrasis of a genitive, of a part belonging to the whole, e. g. dyrr á husi = húsdyrr, at the house-doors; turn á kirkju = kirkju turn; stafn, skutr, segl, árar … á skipi, the stem, stern, sail … of a ship, Fms. ix. 135; blöð á lauk, á tré …, leaves of a leek, of a tree …, Fas. i. 469; egg á sverði = sverðs egg; stafr á bók; kjölr á bók, and in endless other instances.
    V. denoting instrumentality, by, on, or a-, by means of; afla fjár á hólmgöngum, to make money a-duelling, by means of duels, Eg. 498; á verkum sínum, to subsist on one’s own work, Njarð. 366: as a law term, sekjast á e-ju, to be convicted upon …, Grág. i. 123; sekst maðr þar á sínu eigini ( a man is guilty in re sua), ef hann tekr af þeim manni er heimild ( possessio) hefir til, ii. 191; falla á verkum sínum, to be killed flagranti delicto, v. above; fella e-n á bragði, by a sleight in wrestling; komast undan á flótta, to escape by flight, Eg. 11; á hlaupi, by one’s feet, by speed, Hkr. ii. 168; lifa á e-u, to feed on; bergja á e-u, to taste of a thing; svala sér á e-u, to quench the thirst on.
    VI. with subst. numerals; á þriðja tigi manna, up to thirty, i. e. from about twenty to thirty, Ld. 194; á öðru hundraði skipa, from one to two hundred sail strong, Fms. x. 126; á níunda tigi, between eighty and ninety years of age, Eg. 764, v. above: used as prep., á hendi, on one’s hand, i. e. bound to do it, v. hönd.
    VII. in more or less adverbial phrases it may often be translated in Engl. by a participle and a- prefixed; á lopti, aloft; á floti, afloat; á lífi, alive; á verðgangi, a-begging; á brautu, away; á baki, a-back, behind, past; á milli, a-tween; á laun, alone, secretly; á launungu, id.; á móti, against; á enda, at an end, gone; á huldu, hidden; fara á hæli, to go a-heel, i. e. backwards, Fms. vii. 70;—but in many cases these phrases are transl. by the Engl. partic. with a, which is then perh. a mere prefix, not a prep., á flugi, a-flying in the air, Nj. 79; vera á gangi, a-going; á ferli, to be about; á leiki, a-playing, Fms. i. 78; á sundi, a-swimming, ii. 27; á verði, a-watching, x. 201; á hrakningi, a-wandering; á reiki, a-wavering; á skjálfi, a-shivering; á-hleri, a-listening; á tali, a-talking, Ísl. ii. 200; á hlaupi, a-running, Hkr. ii. 268; á verki, a-working; á veiðum, a-hunting; á fiski, a-fishing; á beit, grazing: and as a law term it even means in flagranti, N. G. L. i. 348.
    VIII. used absolutely without a case in reference to the air or the weather, where ‘á’ is almost redundant; þoka var á mikil, a thick fog came on, Nj. 267; niðamyrkr var á, pitch darkness came on, Eg. 210; allhvast á norðan, a very strong breeze from the north, Fms. ix. 20; þá var á norðrænt, a north wind came on, 42, Ld. 56; hvaðan sem á er, from whatever point the wind is; var á hríð veðrs, a snow storm came on, Nj. 282; görði á regn, rain came on, Fms. vi. 394, xi. 35, Ld. 156.
    A. Loc.
    I. denoting simple direction towards, esp. connected with verbs of motion, going, or the like; hann gékk á bergsnös, Eg. 389; á hamar, Fas. ii. 517.
    2. in phrases denoting direction; liggja á útborða, lying on the outside of the ship, Eg. 354; á annat borð skipinu, Fms. vii. 260; á bæði borð, on both sides of the ship, Nj. 124, Ld. 56; á tvær hliðar, on both sides, Fms. v. 73. Ísl. ii. 159; á hlið, sidewards; út á hlið, Nj. 262, Edda 44; á aðra hönd henni, Nj. 50, Ld. 46; höggva á tvær hendr, to hew or strike right and left, Ísl. ii. 368, Fas. i. 384, Fms. viii. 363, x. 383.
    3. upp á, upon; hann tók augu Þjaza ok kastaði upp á himin, Edda 47: with verbs denoting to look, see, horfa, sjá, líta, etc.; hann rak skygnur á land, he cast glances towards the land, Ld. 154.
    II. denoting direction with or without the idea of arriving:
    1. with verbs denoting to aim at; of a blow or thrust, stefna á fótinn, Nj. 84; spjótið stefnir á hann miðjan, 205: of the wind, gékk veðrit á vestr, the wind veered to west, Fms. ix. 28; sigla á haf, to stand out to sea, Hkr. i. 146, Fms. i. 39: with ‘út’ added, Eg. 390, Fms. x. 349.
    2. conveying the notion of arriving, or the intervening space being traversed; spjótið kom á miðjan skjöldinn, Eg. 379, Nj. 96, 97; langt upp á land, far up inland, Hkr. i. 146: to reach, taka ofan á belti, of the long locks of a woman, to reach down to the belt, Nj. 2; ofan á bringu, 48; á þa ofan, 91.
    III. without reference to the space traversed, connected with verbs denoting to go, turn, come, ride, sail, throw, or the like, motion of every kind; hann kastar honum á völlinn, he flings him down, Nj. 91; hlaupa á skip sitt, to leap on board his ship, 43; á hest, to mount quickly, Edda 75; á lend hestinum, Nj. 91; hann gengr á sáðland sitt, he walks on to his fields, 82: on, upon, komast á fætr, to get upon one’s legs, 92; ganga á land, to go a-shore, Fms. i. 40; ganga á þing, vii. 242, Grág. (often); á skóg, á merkr ok skóga, into a wood, Fb. i. 134, 257, Fms. xi. 118, Eg. 577, Nj. 130; fara á Finnmörk, to go travelling in Finmark, Fms. i. 8; koma, fara á bæ, to arrive at the farm-house; koma á veginn, Eg. 578; stíga á bát, skip, to go on board, 158; hann gékk upp á borg, he went up to the burg (castle), 717; en er þeir komu á loptriðið, 236; hrinda skipum á vatn, to float the ships down into the water, Fms. i. 58; reka austr á haf, to drift eastwards on the sea, x. 145; ríða ofan á, to ride down or over, Nj. 82.
    IV. in some cases the acc. is used where the dat. would be used, esp. with verbs denoting to see or hear, in such phrases as, þeir sá boða mikinn inn á fjörðinn, they saw great breakers away up in the bight of the firth, the acc. being due perhaps to a motion or direction of the eye or ear towards the object, Nj. 124; sá þeir fólkit á land, they saw the people in the direction of land, Fas. ii. 517: in phrases denoting to be placed, to sit, to be seated, the seat or bench is freq. in the acc. where the dat. would now be used; konungr var þar á land upp, the king was then up the country, the spectator or narrator is conceived as looking from the shore or sea-side, Nj. 46; sitja á miðjan bekk, to be seated on the middle bench, 50; skyldi konungs sæti vera á þann bekk … annat öndvegi var á hinn úæðra pall; hann setti konungs hásæti á miðjan þverpall, Fms. vi. 439, 440, cp. Fagrsk. l. c., Sturl. iii. 182; eru víða fjallbygðir upp á mörkina, in the mark or forest, Eg. 58; var þar mörk mikil á land upp, 229; mannsafnaðr er á land upp (viewed from the sea), Ld. 76; stóll var settr á mótið, Fas. i. 58; beiða fars á skip, to beg a passage, Grág. i. 90.
    V. denoting parts of the body; bíta e-n á barka, to bite one in the throat, Ísl. ii. 447; skera á háls, to cut the throat of any one, Nj. 156; brjóta e-n á háls, to break any one’s neck; brjóta e-n á bak, to break any one’s back, Fms. vii. 119; kalinn á kné, frozen to the knees with cold, Hm. 3.
    VI. denoting round; láta reipi á háls hesti, round his horse’s neck, 623. 33; leggja söðul á hest, Nj. 83; and ellipt., leggja á, to saddle; breiða feld á hofuð sér, to wrap a cloak over his head, 164; reyta á sik mosa, to gather moss to cover oneself with, 267; spenna hring á hönd, á fingr, Eg. 300.
    VII. denoting a burden; stela mat á tvá hesta, hey á fimtán hesta, i. e. a two, a fifteen horse load, Nj. 74: metaph., kjósa feigð á menn, to choose death upon them, i. e. doom them to death, Edda 22.
    B. TEMP.
    I. of a period of time, at, to; á morgun, to-morrow (í morgun now means the past morning, the morning of to-day), Ísl. ii. 333.
    II. if connected with the word day, ‘á’ is now used before a fixed or marked day, a day of the week, a feast day, or the like; á Laugardag, á Sunnudag …, on Saturday, Sunday, the Old Engl. a-Sunday, a-Monday, etc.; á Jóladaginn, Páskadaginn, on Yule and Easter-day; but in old writers more often used ellipt. Sunnudaginn, Jóladaginn …, by dropping the prep. ‘á,’ Fms. viii. 397, Grág. i. 18.
    III. connected with ‘dagr’ with the definite article suffixed, ‘á’ denotes a fixed, recurring period or season, in; á daginn, during the day-time, every day in turn, Grett. 91 A.
    IV. connected with ‘evening, morning, the seasons,’ with the article; á kveldit, every evening, Ld. 14; á sumarit, every summer, Vd. 128, where the new Ed. Fs. 51 reads sumrum; á haust, every autumn, Eg. 741 (perh. a misprint instead of á haustin or á haustum); á vetrinn, in the winter time, 710; á várit, every spring, Gþl. 347; the sing., however, is very rare in such cases, the old as well as mod. usage prefers the plur.; á nætrnar, by night, Nj. 210; á várin, Eg. 710; á sumrin, haustin, á morgnana, in the morning (á morgin, sing., means to-morrow); á kveldin, in the evening, only ‘dagr’ is used in sing., v. above (á daginn, not á dagana); but elliptically and by dropping the article, Icelanders say, kveld og morgna, nótt og dag, vetr sumar vor og haust, in the same sense as those above mentioned.
    V. denoting duration, the article is dropped in the negative phrase, aldri á sinn dag, never during one’s life; aldri á mína daga, never in my life, Bjarn. 8, where a possess. pron. is put between noun and prep., but this phrase is very rare. Such phrases as, á þann dag, that day, and á þenna dag, Stj. 12, 655 xxx. 2. 20, are unclassical.
    VI. á dag without article can only be used in a distributive sense, e. g. tvisvar á dag, twice a-day; this use is at present freq. in Icel., yet instances from old writers are not on record.
    VII. denoting a movement onward in time, such as, liðið á nótt, dag, kveld, morgun, sumar, vetr, vár, haust (or nóttina, daginn …), jól, páska, föstu, or the like, far on in the night, day …, Edda 33; er á leið vetrinn, when the winter was well on, as the winter wore on, Nj. 126; cp. áliðinn: also in the phrase, hniginn á inn efra aldr, well stricken in years, Ld. 68.
    C. Metaph. and in various relations:
    I. somewhat metaphorically, denoting an act only (not the place); fara á fund, á vit e-s, to call for one, Eg. 140; koma á ræðu við e-n, to come to a parley with, to speak, 173; ganga á tal, Nj. 103; skora á hólm, to challenge to a duel on an island; koma á grið, to enter into a service, to be domiciled, Grág. i. 151; fara á veiðar, to go a-hunting, Fms. i. 8.
    β. generally denoting on, upon, in, to; bjóða vöxtu á féit, to offer interest on the money, Grág. i. 198; ganga á berhögg, to come to blows, v. berhögg; fá á e-n, to make an impression upon one, Nj. 79; ganga á vápn e-s, to throw oneself on an enemy’s weapon, meet him face to face, Rd. 310; ganga á lagið, to press on up the spear-shaft after it has passed through one so as to get near one’s foe, i. e. to avail oneself of the last chance; bera fé á e-n, to bribe, Nj. 62; bera öl á e-n, to make drunk, Fas. i. 13; snúinn á e-t, inclined to, Fms. x. 142; sammælast á e-t, to agree upon, Nj. 86; sættast, verða sáttr á e-t, in the same sense, to come to an agreement, settlement, or atonement, 78, Edda 15, Eb. 288, Ld. 50, Fms. i. 279; ganga á mála, to serve for pay as a soldier, Nj. 121; ganga á vald e-s, to put oneself in his power, 267; ganga á sætt, to break an agreement; vega á veittar trygðir, to break truce, Grág. ii. 169.
    II. denoting in regard to, in respect to:
    1. of colour, complexion, the hue of the hair, or the like; hvítr, jarpr, dökkr … á hár, having white, brown, or dark … hair, Ísl. ii. 190, Nj. 39; svartr á brún ok brá, dark of brow and eyebrow; dökkr á hörund, id., etc.
    2. denoting skill, dexterity; hagr á tré, a good carpenter; hagr á járn, málm, smíðar …, an expert worker in iron, metals …, Eg. 4; fimr á boga, good at the bow: also used of mastership in science or arts, meistari á hörpuslátt, a master in striking the harp, Fas. iii. 220; fræðimaðr á kvæði, knowing many poems by heart, Fms. vi. 391; fræðimaðr á landnámssögur ok forna fræði, a learned scholar in histories and antiquities (of Are Frode), Ísl. ii. 189; mikill á íþrótt, skilful in an art, Edda (pref.) 148; but dat. in the phrase, kunna (vel) á skíðum, to be a cunning skater, Fms. i. 9, vii. 120.
    3. denoting dimensions; á hæð, lengd, breidd, dýpt …, in the heighth, length, breadth, depth …, Eg. 277; á hvern veg, on each side, Edda 41 (square miles); á annan veg, on the one side, Grág. i. 89.
    β. the phrase, á sik, in regard to oneself, vel (illa) á sik kominn, of a fine ( ugly) appearance, Ld. 100, Fas. iii. 74.
    III. denoting instrumentality; bjargast á sínar hendr, to live on the work of one’s own hands, (á sínar spýtur is a mod. phrase in the same sense); (vega) á skálir, pundara, to weigh in scales, Grág. ii. 370; at hann hefði tvá pundara, ok hefði á hinn meira keypt en á hinn minna selt, of a man using two scales, a big one for buying and a little one for selling, Sturl. i. 91; á sinn kostnað, at one’s own expense; nefna e-n á nafn, by name, Grág. i. 17, etc. The Icel. also say, spinna á rokk, snældu, to spin on or with a rock or distaff; mala á kvern, to grind in a ‘querne,’ where Edda 73 uses dat.; esp. of musical instruments, syngja, leika á hljóðfæri, hörpu, gígju …; in the old usage, leika hörpu …, Stj. 458.
    IV. denoting the manner or way of doing:
    1. á þessa lund, in this wise, Grág. ii. 22; á marga vega, á alla, ymsa vega, in many, all, respects, Fms. i. 114; á sitt hóf, in its turn, respectively, Ld. 136, where the context shews that the expression answers to the Lat. mutatis mutandis; á Þýðersku, after German fashion, Sks. 288.
    2. esp. of language; mæla, rita á e-a tungu, to speak, write in a tongue; á Írsku, in Irish, Ld. 76; Norrænu, in Norse, Eb. 330, Vm. 35; a Danska tungu, in Danish, i. e. Scandinavian, Norse, or Icelandic, Grág. i. 18; á Vára tungu, i. e. in Icelandic, 181; rita á Norræna tungu, to write in Norse, Hkr. (pref.), Bs. i. 59:—at present, dat. is sometimes used.
    3. in some phrases the acc. is used instead of the dat.; hann sýndi á sik mikit gaman, Fms. x. 329; hann lét ekki á sik finna, he shewed no sign of motion, Nj. 111; skaltú önga fáleika á þik gera (Cod. Kalf.), 14.
    V. used in a distributive sense; skal mörk kaupa gæzlu á kú, eðr oxa fim vetra gamlan, a mark for every cow, Grág. i. 147; alin á hvert hross, 442; á mann, per man (now freq.): cp. also á dag above, lit. B.
    VI. connected with nouns,
    1. prepositional; á hendr (with dat.), against; á hæla, at heel, close behind; á bak, at back, i. e. past, after; á vit (with gen.), towards.
    2. adverbially; á braut, away, abroad; á víxl, in turns; á mis, amiss; á víð ok dreif, a-wide and a-drift, i. e. dispersedly.
    3. used almost redundantly before the following prep.; á eptir, after, behind; á undan, in front of; á meðal, á milli, among; á mót, against; á við, about, alike; á frá (cp. Swed. ifrån), from (rare); á fyrir = fyrir, Haustl. 1; á hjá, beside (rare); á fram, a-head, forwards; á samt, together; ávalt = of allt, always: following a prep., upp á, upon; niðr á, down upon; ofan á, eptir á, post eventum, (temp.) á eptir is loc., id., etc.
    VII. connected with many transitive verbs, answering to the Lat. ad- or in-, in composition, in many cases periphrastically for an objective case. The prep. generally follows after the verb, instead of being prefixed to it as in Lat., and answers to the Engl. on, to; heita kalla, hrópa á, to call on; heyra, hlusta, hlyða á, to hearken to, listen to; hyggja, hugsa á, to think on; minna á, to remind; sjá, líta, horfa, stara, mæna, glápa, koma auga … á, to look on; girnast á, to wish for; trúa á, to believe on; skora á, to call on any one to come out, challenge; kæra á, to accuse; heilsa á, to greet; herja, ganga, ríða, hlaupa, ráða … á, to fall on, attack, cp. ágangr, áreið, áhlaup; ljúga á, to tell lies of, to slander; telja á, to carp at; ausa, tala, hella, kasta, verpa … á, to pour, throw on; ríða, bera, dreifa á, to sprinkle on; vanta, skorta á, to fall short of; ala á, to plead, beg; leggja á, to throw a spell on, lay a saddle on; hætta á, to venture on; gizka á, to guess at; kveða á, to fix on, etc.: in a reciprocal sense, haldast á, of mutual strife; sendast á, to exchange presents; skrifast á, to correspond (mod.); kallast á, to shout mutually; standast á, to coincide, so as to be just opposite one another, etc.
    f. [Lat. aqua; Goth. ahva; Hel. aha; A. S. eâ; O. H. G. aha, owa; cp. Germ. ach and aue; Fr. eau, eaux; Engl. Ax-, Ex-, etc., in names of places; Swed.-Dan. å; the Scandinavians absorb the hu, so that only a single vowel or diphthong remains of the whole word]:—a river. The old form in nom. dat. acc. sing. is , v. the introduction to A, page 1, Bs. i. 333 sq., where ́n, ́ (acc.), and ́na; so also Greg. 677; the old fragm. of Grág. ii. 222, 223, new Ed. In the Kb. of the Edda the old form occurs twice, viz. page 75, ́na (acc.), (but two lines below, ána), í ́nni (dat.) The old form also repeatedly occurs in the Kb. and Sb. of the Grág., e. g. ii. 266, 267: gen. sing. ár; nom. pl. ár, gen. á contracted, dat. ám, obsolete form ́m; Edda 43, Eg. 80, 99, 133, 185: proverbs, at ósi skal á stemma, answering to the Lat. principiis obsta, Edda 60; hér kemr á til sæfar, here the river runs into the sea, metaph. = this is the very end, seems to have been a favourite ending of old poems; it is recorded in the Húsdrápa and the Norðsetadrápa, v. Edda 96, Skálda 198; cp. the common saying, oil vötn renna til sævar, ‘all waters run into the sea.’ Rivers with glacier water are in Icel. called Hvítá, White river, or Jökulsá: Hitá, Hot river, from a hot spring, opp. to Kaldá, v. Landn.: others take a name from the fish in them, as Laxá, Lax or Salmon river (freq.); Örriða á, etc.: a tributary river is þverá, etc.: ár in the Njála often means the great rivers Ölfusá and Þjórsá in the south of Iceland. Áin helga, a river in Sweden, Hkr. ii: á is also suffixed to the names of foreign rivers, Tempsá = Thames; Dóná, Danube (Germ. Don-au), (mod.), etc. Vide Edda (Gl.) 116, 117, containing the names of over a hundred North-English and Scottish rivers.
    COMPDS: áráll, árbakki, árbrot, ardjúp, árfarvegr, árfors, árgljúfr, árhlutr, ármegin, árminni, ármót, áróss, árreki, árstraumr, árströnd, árvað, árvegr, árvöxtr.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > Á

См. также в других словарях:

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